Legal Name* |
Date:* |
Mailing Address:* |
Permanent Address: |
Home Phone: |
Cell Phone: |
Other: |
Emergency Contact: |
Relationship: |
Phone Number: |
Birth Date: |
Social Security Number |
E-Mail (Optional) |
Driver’s License # |
State |
Fire Qualifications: |
Firefighter II (Basic Wildland Firefighter)
Firefighter I (Advanced Firefighter / Squad Leader
Single Resource Crew
Single Resource Boss Engine
Emergency Medical Technician
Emergency First Responder
Strike Team Leader
High School: |
No. Years Completed |
Did you graduate? |
Degree / Courses Taken |
University / TechSchool: |
No. Years Completed |
Did you graduate? |
Degree / Courses Taken |
Supplementary Education / Training:
In the table below list any training or licenses you’ve received.
Course Name |
Date |
Issuing Agency |
Course Name |
Date |
Issuing Agency |
Course Name |
Date |
Issuing Agency |
Please Answer the Following Questions:
Are you willing to be on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? |
No |
Are you willing to work long shifts and go weeks without a day off? |
No |
Are you willing to endure adverse weather conditions and perform strenuous and prolonged physical labor? |
No |
Are you willing to go extended periods without a bed (sleeping in a tent) or shower? |
No |
Do you feel you are physically fit to perform the duties required to be a wildland firefighter? |
No |
If hired, will you comply with our department’s personnel policies? |
No |
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? |
No |
If yes, please explain below: |
Colorado Wildland Fire Service is an equal opportunityorganization. All candidates will be considered for volunteer services without regard to race, sex, religion, or age. All applicants will be required to pass a physical fitness test before being considered for services.